artist credits
Music composition - Ray Soul @soulraymusic
Lyrics - Jair Oliveira @jairoliveira
Piano - Art Hirahara @arthirahara
String arrangement - Matthew Nicholl @matthew.nicholl.33
Cello - Naseem Alatrash @naseemalatrash.cellist
Violin - Bengisu Gokce @bengisugokce1
Vocal - Ebinho Cardoso @ebinhocardosomusic
Mixing and mastering engineer - David Feldman
Essays - Ray Soul @soulraymusic
Portuguese transition - Ines Lopes Bridges
Web design - Ray Soul
Jun Choi @goyu
E Reum @e.reum
Please inquire about credit information for each photo on this website.
Ray's note:
I would like to thank all musicians and artists who have dedicated their time and efforts to this project.
I especially want to express my gratitude for my family:
Olivia-Green Soul
Hayley Noh
Jong Taek Soul
Jin Sook Choi
Ji Won Soul
Su Ja Kim
Chul Jun Noh
You can download seu aprendiz artistic materials for your reference.
Email seuaprendizcontact@gmail.com if you want to download high resolution photos or 88.2K, 24 bit high definition audio track. Seu Aprendiz is available on major streaming sites such as iTunes or Spotify.
A fee may apply depending on the materials you wish to download.
Click below to listen to the instrumental version of Seu Aprendiz